Meet Fadi and Amin from Diamond Globe Jewellers

Specialising in designing, re-designing and repairing jewellery, Fadi and Amin are known for excellent customer service. Read on as they take us through current trends and what makes them so unique.

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Can you tell us a bit about your business?

We are a father & son business, 6th generation jewellers from Iraq. Our business was established and has been running from 1994. From Fairfield to Campbelltown and now, for the past 9 years, Randwick.

Honesty is key, transparency and customer service is what we pride ourselves on. Adam the jeweller is a perfectionist. All items must be immaculate before being handed back to our customers. Our testimonials and reviews speak for themselves, we find more and more people bringing in sentimental pieces and trusting them in our care for remodelling/ hand made work. 

What is the best part about your job?

Best part would be the lovely relationships we have built with the locals, generations even. Seeing our business grow from word of mouth like the good old days, and people coming via recommendation always puts a smile on our faces. 

What makes Royal Randwick Shopping Centre a part of the community?

Randwick is special, compared to all the surrounding eastern suburb areas we feel it is the most local, family oriented and grounded area. It makes us feel at home coming out of the south west and is a perfect match for our style of business. A little old school as you may call it. 

What is on trend right now?

Trending now is yellow gold again! It has been too long since white and rose gold took the market by storm and left traditional yellow collecting dust. But engagement rings, watches, bangles and chains in yellow gold are on the rise again.

What is your favourite season and why?

Favourite season would have to be Summer/ Christmas time. Everyone comes in with holiday cheer, smiles on their faces. Helping customers with gift buying and benefitting our regulars with extra sale prices, always a joy. 

What makes your store unique?

We are a rarity in this ever growing technological era. Family local businesses are so few, and we want to keep some traditions alive. It all comes back to service, with a smile, and actually caring about our customers. That is what brings them back and their families and friends too. We must be doing something right.